Saturday, November 11, 2023

This is My Toe, Officially in the Water

 Sorry, no feet pics. Those cost extra.

 Apparently, I’ve been saying, “I need to make time to write something and post to my blog” for *scrolls old posts* SEVEN YEARS. I couldn’t help but notice that my last entry was posted in December of 2016. While I don’t dive too far into politics here, I will say that the heartbreak and mental burnout that overcame me by the end of 2016 impacted my willingness to share much of anything outside of pure unadulterated rage. It was me, my soapbox, and Facebook for a while. Then that grew tiresome, and I turned to shitposting as many of you probably have.

 What the hell am I doing here now? Mentally, I didn’t abandon this project. It’s always been floating around in my brain. A dear friend came across my blog recently and shot me a message along the lines of “So…were you going tell me you have a whole ass blog?” I’m paraphrasing. I found myself embarrassed. I wasn’t embarrassed that they read it, or that it exists; I was embarrassed because I’d abandoned my outlet. This was my little thing that was for me, that helped me organize my brain, and that preserved the funny and scary little stories about my life. Why the fuck did I let go of that? Quite a few reasons actually, but each one of those reasons was rooted in fear. I confided those fears in my friend, in rapid-fire verbal vomit fashion, and they replied, “but yeah now you know you can type what you want to type.” Actual quote.

This is the first post of what I expect to be a revival of my little corner of the blogosphere. Consider it my warm up post. I have a lot to share: experiences travelling and going on little solo adventures while disabled, my fitness journey as a chubby crippled girl, SEX, pregnancy and abortion… OH WE ARE GOING THERE. And I hope you come with me.

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